
2021-05-24 22:20:54 字數 2937 閱讀 5831



jonas blue/raye歌詞翻譯






回來 我等著你回來

我想著你回來 我想著你回來

再不回來春光不在 再不回來熱淚滿腮




怕只怕 到此只宜一杯濁酒 人如夢 夢如霜




怨只怨 三分春色 二分塵土 一分赴水流

想dd良辰美景似真似幻 怕dd人間萬千變化嘆dd鏡中女子春光易老 問dd戀戀在水**尋尋覓覓冷冷清清歌舞昇平夜



怨只怨 三分春色 二分塵土 一分赴水流

想dd良辰美景似真似幻 怕dd人間萬千變化嘆dd鏡中女子春光易老 問dd戀戀在水**想dd良辰美景似真似幻 怕dd人間萬千變化嘆dd鏡中女子春光易老 問dd戀戀在水**我等著你回來 我等著你回來

我想著你回來 我想著你回來

你為什麼不回來 你為什麼不回來

我要等你回來 我要等你回來



you were looking at me like you wanted to stay

when i saw you yesterday

i'm not wasting your time i'm not playing no games

i see you

who knows the secret tomorrow will hold

we don't really need to know

cause you're here with me now i don't want you to go

you're here with me now i don't want you to go

maybe we're perfect strangers

maybe it's not forever

maybe intellect will change us

maybe we'll stay together

maybe we'll walk away

maybe we'll realize

we're only human

maybe we don't need no reason

maybe we're perfect strangers

maybe it's not forever

maybe intellect will change us

maybe we'll stay together

maybe we'll walk away

maybe we'll realize

we're only human

maybe we don't need no reason

why***e on ***e on ***e on now

maybe we don't need no reason

why***e on ***e on ***e on now

no one but you got me feeling this way

there's so much we can't explain

maybe we're helping each other escape

i'm with you

who knows the secret tomorrow will hold

we don't really need to know

cause you're here with me now i don't want you to go

you're here with me now i don't want you to go

maybe we're perfect strangers

maybe it's not forever

maybe intellect will change us

maybe we'll stay together

maybe we'll walk away

maybe we'll realize

we're only human

maybe we don't need no reason

maybe we're perfect strangers

maybe it's not forever

maybe intellect will change us

maybe we'll stay together

maybe we'll walk away

maybe we'll realize

we're only human

maybe we don't need no reason

why***e on ***e on ***e on now

maybe we don't need no reason

why***e on ***e on ***e on now

***e on ***e on ***e on now

maybe we don't need no reason

why***e on ***e on ***e on now

月牙灣歌詞,月牙灣歌詞 歌詞

歌名 月牙灣 歌手 f.i.r.所屬 愛.歌姬 作曲 阿沁 作詞 易家揚 謝宥慧 敦煌天空的沙粒 帶著我們的記憶 我從半路看回去 這秦關漫漫好蜿踞 夢想穿過了西域 包含了多少的禪意 愛情像一本遊記 我會找尋它的密語 看月牙灣下的淚光 在絲路之上被遺忘 是誰的心啊 孤單地留下 他還好嗎 我多想愛他 那...

求歌詞 小小歌詞容祖兒,容祖兒的《小小》 歌詞

小小歌手 容祖bai兒 作詞 方文山作 du曲 周杰zhi倫編曲 林邁可 回憶像個 dao說書的人版 用充滿鄉音的口權吻 跳過水坑繞過小村 等相遇的緣分 你用泥巴捏一座城 說將來要娶我進門 轉多少身過幾次門虛擲青春 小小的誓言還不穩 小小的淚水還在撐 稚嫩的脣在說離分 我的心裡從此住了一個人 曾經模...


暖風吹那春天到羊群悠然吃草 怎麼突然想起你的微笑 天上飛著百靈鳥馬兒撒野的跑 我要你的擁抱你知不知道 你的愛象火苗把我的心燃燒 燒得我的驕傲無處可逃 你的愛就象火苗我用相思煎熬 整個草原飄著愛的味道 火苗 歌詞 火苗 作詞 何沐陽 作曲 何沐陽 演唱 格格 暖風吹那春來到,羊群悠然吃草 怎麼突然想起...