
2021-03-31 13:12:04 字數 1045 閱讀 7366


1.at the age of 1

2.a successful actor

3.go away

4.go to the cinema

5.another language

6.the spring festifal7.last night

8.a foreign engineer

11.beside the great wall12.be engaged in(主語是「人」)13.11 years later

14.a few days ago

15.the first chinese astronaut16.the third country

17.sent human into space18.train for 5 years

19.last month

20.go back

21.turn into


僅列出一些有把握的 希望對你有所幫助1.

2.a successful actor

3.go away

4.go to a movie

5.the other language

6.spring festival

7.last night

8.foreign engineer

9.many tunnels

10. patrioti** movie

11.near the great wall12.engage in

13.after 11 years

14.some days ago

15.last thursday

15.the first airman of china16.the third country

17.send the man to the space18.train sb.5 years

19.last month

20.go back

21.change to


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