
2021-04-17 20:48:46 字數 776 閱讀 2431


#include #include #include using namespace std; int count=0; void countnum(int a,int start,int finish) else



public static void main(string args) ;

arrays.sort(array);// 給陣列排序

int count=0;

int tmp=array[0];

map map=new hashmap();

for(int i=0; i < array.length; i++) else

map.put(array[i], count);


setkey = map.keyset();

for (iterator it = key.iterator(); it.hasnext();)

}public static map sortbyvalue(map map)

});map result=new linkedhashmap();

for(iterator it=list.iterator(); it.hasnext();)

return result;}



程式設計題 建立空陣列,通過for迴圈向陣列中放入a z字母,修改元素內容為zhangSan

include int main int i,j,k for i 0 i 9 i 屬for j i j 10 j if a i c語言程式設計題 輸入 n n 10 個整數,將它們存入陣列 a 中,再輸入一個整數 x,然後在陣列 a 中查詢與 x include void main if m 0 p...


private sub form click dim i j s a 3,3 as integerrandomize for i 0 to 3 for j 0 to 3 a i,j int rnd 99 print a i,j next j print next i for i 0 to 3 s s...


你好,你定義的陣列長度為20怎麼可以給a 100 賦值呢。如果是給a 20 的數內組賦值 int a new int 20 random random new random for int i 0 i果滿意,請採納容,謝謝。public class liti401 system.out.print ...