一般將來時的句子 英語 4句快,英語「一般將來時」的句子有哪些?

2021-05-01 11:41:52 字數 3158 閱讀 6722


i'll go and shut / close the door. 我去關門。

when will you know your exam results? 你什麼時候能知道考試結果?

i can see you're busy, so i won't stay long. 我看得出你很忙,所以我不會呆太久的。

you and i will arrive there next monday. 我和你下週一都要到達那裡。

i shall be free this afternoon. 我今天下午有空。

they will probably go to shanghai for their holiday. 他們可能去上海度假。



1、i will go to the movies. 我要去電


2、dui will be here waiting for you. 我會在這兒等著你zhi

3、the rain will stop soon. 雨很快就會停了

4、many people will help her. 很多人dao會幫助內她

5、where will you be going next? 你接下來要去哪容兒?

6、when will i pick you up? 我什麼時候來接你?

7、tom will see you on his way out. 湯姆會在他出去的路上看到你

8、so,when will you go to university? 所以,你什麼時候去上大學?

9、he said that he will go when he is ready. 他說準備好了以後就去

10、when will you finish writing the answer? 你什麼時候能寫完答案?






來自百版度知道權認證團隊 2017-12-04

1、i will go to the movies. 我要去電影院

2、i will be here waiting for you. 我會在這兒等著你

3、the rain will stop soon. 雨很快就會停了

4、many people will help her. 很多人會幫助她

5、where will you be going next? 你接下來要去哪兒?

6、when will i pick you up? 我什麼時候來接你?

7、tom will see you on his way out. 湯姆會在他出去的路上看到你

8、so,when will you go to university? 所以,你什麼時候去上大學?

9、he said that he will go when he is ready. 他說準備好了以後就去



the rain will stop soon. 雨很快就會停了 i will go to the movies. 我要去電影院

英語一般將來時句子 十句



he is going to see his friend.他要去看他的朋友。

what are you going to do tomorrow?明天打算作什麼呢?

the play is going to be produced next month。這齣戲下月開

播。look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm. 看那烏雲,快要下雨了.

i am going to play basketball this evening.我今晚要去打籃球。

mary is going to sell her car.瑪麗要賣她的車子。

i won't go there tomorrow.我明天不去那兒

will you do housework next monday?你下個星期一做家務嗎?

what will you do tomorrow?你明天做什麼?

you won't go shopping tomorrow.你明天不購物。

where will you go tomorrow?你明天去哪?

i will visit my grandmother tomorrow morning. 明天上午,我將去看望我奶奶。

i will show my photos to you next monday. 我下週一給你看我的**。

perhaps i will pay a visit to france this winter. 我可能在今年冬天到法國觀光。

we won』t be free tomorrow. 我們明天沒空。

will you be at home at seven this evening? 今晚七點你會在家嗎?

the agreement will come into force next spring. 協議將在明年春天生效。

we are going to visit the summer palace next week. 下個星期我們要去參觀頤和園。

when are they to hand in their plan? 他們的計劃什麼時候交上來?

the english evening is about to begin. 英語晚會即將開始。



i will do a better job next time.

i』m going to visit beijing .


you gonna suck my dick, nigga


一般將來時用來表示將來發生的一般性動作或狀態。它的表現形式如下 shall will 動詞原形 可表將來,常與一些表將來的時間狀語或狀語從句連用,也可表示預見。shall多用於第一人稱。he will go to shanghai.他要去上海。英語將來時表達有哪些 一般將來時幾種表達方式 一般將來時...

初中英語。there be的一般將來時態是怎麼樣的

there will be 無單複數或人稱變化 there will be a meeting tonight.there will be many parties next year.there is are going to be 單數就用is 複數就用are there is going to...


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