
2022-11-08 14:26:54 字數 797 閱讀 7837


1. the bank far yes ,you can take a bus

2. can i get to the supermarket, take a bus

3.the way to the bookstore, it's over there.

4.you going to the post office, yes, i am this way, please.




1. that the bank?

that is

2. do i get to the supermarket?

turn right, and walk toward baiyi road, and you'll find it right across the street.

3. the way to bookstore?

go straight ahead, when you get to wuyi road, turn left, it is next to the supermarket

4. there a post office around here?

yes, there is one, when you get to the cross, turn right, walk one block to baiyi road, then turn left, it is nest to the park.


we are waiting for the no.2 bus.she is shopping in the supermarket with her friends.what doe he do these days?he isn t cooking,he is sleeping.look who...

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