
2022-11-08 15:42:08 字數 1394 閱讀 8270


1.mum and i often go shopping after dinner.


2.he sees a film on tv every night.


3.my friend and i sometimes eat food at japanese kiko's

我和我的朋友有時侯在japanese kiko's吃飯

4.we usually eat lunch at 1:00 pm.


5.does the first term start in january in your school year?



mun and i sometimes go dinner after shopping.

he sees a film on tv every night.

my friend and i sometimes eat japanese food at kiko's

we usually eat lunch at about 1:00pm

does the first term in your school year start in january?


mum and i sometimes go shopping after dinner/he sees a film on tv every night....


1.after,go shopping,dinner,mum and i,sometimes.

sometimes,mum and i go shopping after dinner.

2.sees a film,night,he,on tv,every.

he sees a film on tv every night.

3.eat,my friend,i,food,at,sometimes,japanese,kiko's.

sometimes,my friend and i eat japanese food at kiko's.

4.1:00 pm,we,usually,at,about,eat,lunch.

we usually eat lunch at about 1:00pm.

5.january,the first term,in,does,in,school year,star,your?

does the first term start in january in your school year?

含有分別以S Z Y開頭的單片語成的唯美句子

一個單詞沒有母音,怎麼成立?是半母音,所以rhythm才是單詞!以p,z,y,開頭的單片語成的唯美英文句子 您好,看到您的問題很久沒有人來回答,但是問題過期無人回答 會被扣分的並且你的懸賞分也會被沒收!所以我給你提幾條建議,希望對你有所幫助 一,你可以選擇在正確的分類和問題回答的高峰時段 中午11 ...

用所給單詞的適當形式填空,用所給的單詞適當形式填空 是什麼意思

1 fit and連線作主語,謂語動詞按複數處理,一般現在時2 come us can情態動詞後面用動詞原形,with介詞後面加賓語,用賓格3 puts try 根據後句判斷為一般現在時,前面liu tao主語,單三,want to do後面用原型 單詞有不同的時態 過去時 現在進行時 過去完成時等...

以J S B開頭的英文單片語成的句子和L L S開頭的英文單

joy for me is sitting by your side.快樂對於我而言就是坐在你的身邊 loving you is wonderful like living under the sunshine.愛你就像在陽光下生活一般美好 jerk large lactic sucker j.s....