
2022-12-14 17:56:30 字數 298 閱讀 1717


your product language is all chinese,if it can be change to other language?i need it suitable for europe and the united states.

no problem.the product has his own language selection function.

if you bought 10000 or more,u get get 20 percent off.


1.time can change everything around you,but not your soul.2.i will always do it for you just like this,till the end of my life.1.time will change ever...


她昨天的計劃是啥?她哥哥是幹啥的?她們在晚上做了什麼?誰打了座機?她昨天種了什麼?她兄弟是幹什麼的?他們晚上做什麼事情?剛才誰打 了?b 她弟弟做了什麼?c他們傍晚做了什麼?請問可以把英語翻譯成中文嗎?可以的,好好研究英語與漢語之間的關係,你會做的很出色。中國有很多會講兩國語言的,但翻譯家很少,加油...


1.we should care about theearth andtreat each dayas earth day.2.we should turn offthe light foran hour during earth day.3.the earth issuffering from s...