
2023-01-05 01:05:58 字數 876 閱讀 3139



private sub form_click()dim i as integer, j as integerfor i = 1 to 9

for j = 1 to 9

if i >= j then

se = i & "x" & j & "=" & i * jprint tab((j - 1) * 9 + 1); se;

end if

next j


next i

end sub


private sub form_click()dim i as integer, j as integerfor i = 1 to 9

for j = 1 to 9

if i <= j then

se = i & "x" & j & "=" & i * jprint tab((j - 1) * 9 + 1); se;

end if

next j


next i

end sub


private sub command1_click()dim i, j as integer

for i = 1 to 9

for j = 1 to i

label1.caption = label1.caption & i & " * " & j & " = " & i * j & " "

next j

label1.caption = label1.caption & vbcrlf

next i

end sub


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