VB6 0查詢語句

2023-01-27 09:25:39 字數 968 閱讀 2347



select uvoltage,ucapacity from supply where ucapacity =(你原來的語句)

2、僅顯示一行,相當於excel的分類統計計數select uvoltage,min(ucapacity) from supply where not utype = '家用' and uscapacity> '" & strname & "' group by uvoltage"


select min(ucapacity,uvoltage)from supply

where not utype = '家用' and uscapacity> '" & _

strname & "'



option explicit

private sub command1_click()dim s1 as string

dim s_id as string

dim s_nam as string

if text1.text = "" thens_id = "%"


s_id = text1.text

end if

if text2.text = "" thens_nam = "%"


s_nam = text2.text

end if

s1 = "select * from goods where id like '" + s_id + "' and nam like '" + s_nam + "'"

adodc1.recordsource = s1adodc1.refresh

end sub請參考

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vb 6 0的陣列問題

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