英文小故事梗概讀後感,英文小故事梗概 讀後感10篇

2021-04-21 15:19:40 字數 1700 閱讀 7017


sadffasrqwfas asas

勵志小故事(英文版)及讀後感(中文) 二十篇



1. i believe i can fly

key words:

i believe i can fly,i believe i can touch the sky...

2.carry on till tomorrow

key words:

carry on till tomorow, there's no reason to look back


key words:

i'll spread my wings and i'll learn how to fly

4.we will rock you

key words:

you got blood on your face

you big disgrace

5.you raise me up (by westlife)

key words:

i am strong when i am on your shoulders,you raise me up,to more than i can be

6.hero (by mariah carey)

key words:

when you feel like hope is gone

look inside you and be strong

and you'll finally see the truth

that a hero lies in you

7.i will survive (by gloria gaynor)

key words:

i've got all my life to live

i've got all my love to give

i will survive

i will survive

8.start me up(by rolling rocks)

key words:

if you start me up

if you start me up i'll never stop

9.here i am (by bryan adams)

key words:

it's a new world it's a new start

it's alive with the beating of young hearts

it's a new day it 's a new plan

i've been waiting for you

here i am

10. we are the champion

key words:

we are the champions - my friend

and we'll keep on fighting till the end

we are the champions

we are the champions

no time for losers

cause we are the champions of the world


一天早晨,雨來拿著課本準備去上學,突然一個人闖了進來,雨來一看,是區上的交通員李大叔,李大叔直奔牆角,把一個盛著水的大水缸搬開,跳進了水缸下的洞裡,並對雨來說 外面有鬼子在追我,你快 快把缸搬回來堵上洞口,對誰也不許說。雨來用盡全身力氣,好不容易才把缸搬了回來。這時,十幾個鬼子端著刺刀衝了進來,帶頭...


破釜沉舟 項羽率所有軍隊渡黃河前去營救趙國以解鉅鹿之圍。項羽在全軍渡黃河之後他下令把所有的船隻鑿沉,打破燒飯用的鍋,燒掉自己的營房,只帶三天干糧,以此表決一死戰,沒有一點後退的打算。無退路的大軍最終大破秦軍。楚軍的驍勇善戰大大提高了項羽的聲威。寫一篇 史記 當中的故事的讀後感50字就可以了!採納哦 ...


內容來自使用者 fv97p6ypuwc 數學家的故事讀後感 一 數學家的故事 講述了許多位數學家小時候的故事。其中有兩篇給我印象最深,分別是 小尤拉智改羊圈 和 數學神童希帕蒂亞 小尤拉智改羊圈 講述了尤拉爸爸設計了一個長40米,寬15米的長方形羊圈,施工過程中發現圍羊圈的材料少了10米。父親在增加...