
2021-04-28 13:32:18 字數 602 閱讀 2102


hello everyone,my name is ~~~.i'm twelve,my english is poor,but i'll do my best to study english in follwing days.i like drawing and playing badminton.

very glad to meet you.i hope we could be close friend!


hello!everyone! my name is ***x. i'm glad to meet you all.

i'm xx years old, in the xth grade of ***x primary school

i like reading and music. i aslo like playing (some sport) after i finish my homework.

i'd like to make friends with all of you.



英語翻譯 麻煩各位英語高手幫我翻譯一下 麻煩了 簡歷來的

the main responsibilites are collecting clients imformation,developing and contacting clients,meeting clients and promoting cooperation,anizing and ho...


以下為復手工翻譯。最後一句制揣摩半天一直沒太大把bai握,請不吝賜 du教。正如zhi我們在先前章節看到的,使用dao語言配合的錯綜複雜,部分源於處理演講和寫作的不同限制條件。但是,正如我們所知,這種限制並非涇渭分明地分為兩部分,說 對立於 寫 那樣。英語的體裁範圍是寬泛的而且層級基本上是漸變的非限...


解 1 設該零件至少要生產銷售x個,得 5 3 x 1 10 20000 解得x 11111又1 9 易知x是整數 所以x 11112,即該零件至少要生產銷售11112個2 設甲每小時個加工x個零件,則乙每小時個加工 x 2 個零件,得8x 5 x x 2 350 解得x 20,則x 2 18 即 ...