誰能幫我翻譯一下song for you的中文歌詞

2022-02-27 08:24:19 字數 1733 閱讀 4175


i couldn't live 我無法生存i couldnt live without your love 沒有你的愛我無法生活

for one kiss

well i'd give everything up為了一個吻


there's no words i can describewhat i feel deep inside沒有語言能夠描述


so i let this song say it all所以我讓這首歌表達我的心聲

then i hope you'll understandonce you've listened till the end我希望你能明白


heard the music in my head在頭腦中我聽到了這個**

so before i could forgeti start singing


yeah i was singing

yeah 我在歌唱

this song

for you


just made up the words寫出了這些話語

la la la ohhh ohhh yeah啦啦啦 噢噢 yeah

my heart with a melody我的心帶著旋律

so i am singing

this song

for you



i couldn't live 我無法生存下去

i couldnt live without your love 缺失你的愛我無法再生存下去

for one kiss 為了那一吻

well i'd give everything up 我願捨棄我的一切

there's no words i can describe 沒有語言能描述

what i feel deep inside 我內心深處的感受

so i let this song say it all 所以我用這首歌來訴說一切

then i hope you'll understand 我希望你會明白

once you've listened till the end 只要你將這歌聽完

heard the music in my head 傾聽在我腦海裡的**

so before i could forget 因此在我忘記之前

i start singing 我開始歌唱

yeah i was singing 是的

this song for you我在為你而歌唱

just made up the words 只是將歌詞拼湊

la la la ohhh ohhh yeah 啦啦啦 噢噢 是的

my heart with a melody 用內心美妙的旋律

so i am singing this song for you我在為你歌唱

求lunatica唱的英文歌《song for you》的中文歌詞,哪位幫忙翻譯一下,感激不盡!

song for you歌詞及翻譯、羅馬拼音

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