幫我翻譯一下英語,好嗎 謝謝

2022-11-29 07:01:12 字數 750 閱讀 9475


1. you tread into my space but can you understand my diary?

can you understand things that is written by person with high iq? if yes, translate it!

2 i don't welcome person has neither intelligence nor achievement,also those with bad manners.


1.can u understang my diary notes when you come into my space? these are for the men of genius, how you can unterstand?

go to find your dictionary!

2.not welcome men with no iq and achivements,and...ugly.


1. you into my space, my diary you see that? «this is gao zhishang, you nengdong» to translate it

2. not welcome and not iq score, but did not look like .. ..


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