
2022-12-01 23:26:52 字數 927 閱讀 2140


1全部a policyholder of investment insurance gets his safety insured, and has at least one account for investment at the mean time. the insurance fee of investment insurance goes straight into the policyholder』s investments after the company deducts the death insurance fees. the company will make investment according to the preselected method and channel.

the profit from the investment directly affects amount of pension the policyholder receives.

versatile life insurance is flexible, 成本透明 (不好意思我對這個不瞭解,不知如何翻譯) and investable. during the warranty period, the insurance cost may vary upon request or change of financial conditions of the policyholder. the policyholder can choose to pay later, or stop paying insurance cost.

versatile life insurance links the policy value with the profit of investment, and the company provides the policyholder with a written report.




a你好,請把那些我標了黃色的人的英文名給我,因為我通過使用者賬號找不到他們 或者他們也許需要建立他們的賬戶 此致 親愛的b,你能幫我改變一下組織系統圖嗎?就在主題會計系統裡,根據附件來。我們需要保證主題會計資料符合目前的業務狀況。為了配合你,所有職員必須做個調整,這些也都標誌成了粉色。預先感謝你的幫...


中譯英更難一點。因為中國語言豐富,意思表達多樣,甚至是隻可意會 不可言傳。所以更難。中譯英是一個自己重發揮再創造的過程,難!而英譯中相對容易,只要明白了對方的意思,按照自己的方式講解出來就行了。口譯上英語轉成漢語更難,因為涉及聽力水平 筆譯上漢語轉成英語更難,因為把中國的特有的事物譯成英國人美國人能...