
2022-12-25 16:06:11 字數 543 閱讀 6054


1,they began to like each other.

2,he won the game with hard work,and his friends congratulated him.

3,both of them got their colleges' invitations.

4,he upset abount what he saw,and he walked away.


1。they start to fall in love.

2、and he through diligently, has won the game. he walked to his friend offered my congratulations.

3、they both receive the notice each university.

4、see this scene makes him a bit sad, so i went away


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1 make a phone call 1 who are you talking with?2 this tv show is so boring,let s go to the cinema.短語 1 to call.句子翻譯 1 you re talking to who?2 this tv ...


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