題目為my goal的英語作文,一篇題目為my goal 的英語作文

2023-02-12 16:30:43 字數 981 閱讀 6921


my goal for the college is get in to the best college in the city, if i can graduate from that college, i can get a great job, and i can make a lot of money from it, but i need to study hard first, because "no pain no gain" if i can continute thinking of this, there will be no problem for getting in to the best college, this is not just my goal or dream, this will change my life!!!!望採納

英語作文以my goal for 2016為題

求 my goal 英語作文


my goal for the college is get in to the best college in the city, if i can graduate from that college, i can get a great job, and i can make a lot of money from it, but i need to study hard first, because "no pain no gain" if i can continute thinking of this, there will be no problem for getting in to the best college, this is not just my goal or dream, this will change my life!!!!

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