
2022-12-25 09:46:20 字數 862 閱讀 8946


1. when the earthquake began,many people were still in bed sleeping.

2. when it was this time yesterday, i was surfing the internet.

3. when the teacher entered the classroom, some students were talking softly.

4. while they were talking in the coffeehouse, they suddenly heard a thunder-like sound.

5. when i looked at the computer, my younger brother was playing computer games.


1. the beginning of the earthquake, many people are sleeping on the bed.

2. yesterday i was at this time to search the internet.

3. teachers into teaching when some students are speaking in a low voice.

4. when they chat in a coffee shop, suddenly heard the like thunder-like sound.

5. when i saw the computer when my brother was playing computer games.


像這樣用學習來損害自己,還不如不要學習。本文選自 南北朝 顏之推的 顏氏家訓 原文 夫學者,所以求益 耳。見人讀數十卷書便自高昂大,凌忽 長者,輕慢同列 人疾之 如仇敵,惡之如鴟梟 如此以學自損,不如無學也。註解 1求益 求得長進。2凌忽 凌,欺侮 忽輕視。3同列 同輩。4疾之 怨恨他。5鴟梟 ch...


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